Quinta avaliação: Health care system
Programa de assistência financeira a Portugal link
[Ongoing] This will be done through:
Hospital services
3.61. Hospital SOEs will change the existing accounting framework and adopt accounting standards in line with the requirements for private companies and other SOEs. This will help improving the management of the enterprises and the quality of the financial oversight by the general government. [Q4-2013]
3.63. Continue the publication of clinical guidelines and set in place an auditing system of their implementation. [Ongoing]
3.64. On the basis of the comprehensive set of indicators, produce regular annual reports comparing hospital performance (benchmarking). Establish a web-portal with publicly available information. The first report is to be published by end 2012 and its results should be used to establish targets for less performing hospitals. [Q4-2012]
efficiency and effectiveness in the health care system, inducing a more
rational use of services and control of
expenditures; generate additional
savings in the area of pharmaceuticals
to reduce the overall public spending on pharmaceutical to 1.25 percent of GDP by end 2012 and to about 1 per cent of
GDP in 2013; generate additional savings in
hospital operating costs and devise a strategy to eliminate arrears.
government will take the following measures to reform the health system:
3.41. The
revision of NHS moderating fees (taxas moderadoras) will result in
additional revenues of EUR 150 million
in 2012 and an additional 50 million in 2013. [Q4-2012]
3.42. In
the light of the urgency and size of the savings needed in the health sector
to address large arrears and budget
limitations, plans to achieve a self-sustainable model for health-benefits schemes for civil servants
will be accelerated. The current plan foresees that the overall budgetary cost of existing
schemes - ADSE, ADM (Armed Forces) and SAD
(Police Services) - will be reduced by 30 per cent in 2012 and by further
20 per cent in 2013 93 at all levels of general government. The
system would become self-financed by 2016. The
costs of these schemes for the public budget will be reduced by lowering the
employer’s contribution rate to 1.25% in
2013 and by adjusting the scope of health benefits. [Q3-2012].
Pricing and reimbursement of pharmaceuticals
3.43. Enact
legislation which automatically reduces the prices of medicines when their patent expires to 50 per cent of their
previous price. [Q4-2012]
3.44. The
government implements an annual revision of prices of medicines and of countries of reference in order to achieve
cost savings. Second price revision to be published in January 2013.
3.45. The
government will monitor monthly pharmaceutical expenditures and ensure
that the overall public pharmaceutical
expenditure does not exceed the target of 1.25 per cent of GDP in 2012 and 1 per cent of GDP in 2013.
Prescription and monitoring of prescription
Continue to improve the monitoring and assessment system of doctors'
prescription behaviour regarding
medicines and diagnostic in terms of volume
and value and vis-à-vis prescription
guidelines and peers. Feedback continues to be provided to each physician on
a regular basis (e.g. quarterly), in
particular on prescription of costliest
and most used medicines. [Ongoing]
Continue to devise and enforce a system of sanctions and penalties, as a
complement to the assessment framework
[Ongoing]. Assess the possibility of establishing agreements with private sector physicians for the
application of prescription rules as applied in the NHS.
Strictly monitor the implementation of the legislation making it compulsory
for physicians at all levels of the
system, both public and private, to prescribe by International Non-proprietary Name (INN) to increase the
use of generic medicines and the less costly
available product. An implementation report will be published by
December 2012.
Continue to publish prescription guidelines with reference to medicines and the
realisation of complementary diagnostic
exams on the basis of international prescription guidelines, audit their implementation and
integrate them in the electronic prescription
system. A first set of guidelines is introduced in the e-prescription
system by Q2 2013.
3.50. The
government will produce a report assessing the effectiveness of the
enacted legislation aimed at removing
all effective entry barriers for generic medicines, in particular by reducing administrative/legal hurdles in
order to speed up the use and reimbursement of
generics. [Q1-2013]
3.51. The
above measures should aim at gradually and substantially increasing the share
of generic medicines to at least 30 per
cent of all outpatient prescription (in volume) in 2012. Targets for substantial further increases in
2013 will be agreed in the sixth review. Pharmaceutical retailers and
3.52. The
Government will produce an intermediate assessment of the savings related
to the revision of the calculation of
profit margins for wholesale companies and pharmacies. [Q3-2012].
3.53. If
the revision does not produce the expected reduction in the distribution
profits of at least EUR 50 million, an
additional contribution in the form of an average rebate (pay-back) will be introduced, which will be calculated
on the mark-up. The rebate will reduce the new
mark-up on producer prices further by at least 2 percentage points on
pharmacies and 4 percentage points on
wholesalers. The rebate will be collected by the government on a monthly basis through the Centro de
Conferência de Facturas, preserving the profitability of small pharmacies in remote areas with low
turnover. [Q4-2013]
Centralised purchasing and procurement
Reinforce the centralised acquisition of vehicles, utilities, external services
and other cross functional goods and
services by all entities included in the NHS, in order to reduce costs through price volume agreements and
fighting waste. A detailed action plan
will be published by November 2012.
INFARMED will continue implementing the uniform coding system and a common registry for medical supplies. [Ongoing]
3.56. Take
further measures to increase competition among private providers and reduce
by an additional 10 percent the overall
spending of the NHS with private providers delivering diagnostic and therapeutic services (with
particular reference to dialysis and rehabilitation).
evaluate and if necessary revise (at least every two years) the remuneration
paid to private providers with the aim
of reducing the cost of more mature diagnostic and therapeutic services. [Q4-2012]
Implement the centralised purchasing of medical goods through the recently
created Central Purchasing Authority
(SPMS), using the uniform coding system for medical supplies and pharmaceuticals. Assess the possibility
of implementing the compulsory use of a formulary
in all hospitals to monitor the stock and flows of hospital medicines and
medical supplies and monitor compliance
with central purchasing. [Ongoing]
Conduct an analysis of the market characteristics of relevant areas of
service provision such as dialysis and
the pharmacies sector in view of ensuring competition and fair prices in private markets. [Q4-2013]
Primary care services
3.59. As
part of the reorganisation of health services provision and notably the concentration and specialisation of hospital
services and the further development of a costeffective primary care service,
the Government reinforces measures aimed at further reducing unnecessary visits to specialists and
emergencies and improving care coordination.
[Ongoing] This will be done through:
increasing the number of USF (Unidades de Saúde Familiares) units contracting with regional authorities (ARSs)
using a mix of salary and performance-related
payments as currently the case. Extend performance assessment to the other primary care units (UCSPs).
Make sure that the new system leads to a
reduction in costs and more effective provision;
setting-up a mechanism to guarantee the presence of family doctors in
needed areas to induce a more even
distribution of family doctors across the country;
iii. moving
human resources from hospital settings to primary care settings and reconsidering the role of nurses and other specialties
in the provision of services;
updating patients' registration lists and the national register in order to
increase by at least 20 per cent the maximum number of patients per primary care/family
doctor for health centres and by 10 per cent for the USF.
Hospital services
Implement the strategy to clear arrears in the health sector, within the
overall strategy for settling and
avoiding the re-emergence of arrears. Ensure standardised and tight
control procedures for all health sector
entities to ensure expenditure commitments stay within the budget allocated to each entity and therefore
prevent the re-emergence of arrears. [Q3-2012]
3.61. Hospital SOEs will change the existing accounting framework and adopt accounting standards in line with the requirements for private companies and other SOEs. This will help improving the management of the enterprises and the quality of the financial oversight by the general government. [Q4-2013]
Implement measures aimed at achieving a reduction of at least EUR 200 million
in the operational costs of hospitals in
2012. This is to be achieved through the reduction in the number of management
staff, concentration and rationalisation in state hospitals and health centres with a view to reducing capacity.
3.63. Continue the publication of clinical guidelines and set in place an auditing system of their implementation. [Ongoing]
3.64. On the basis of the comprehensive set of indicators, produce regular annual reports comparing hospital performance (benchmarking). Establish a web-portal with publicly available information. The first report is to be published by end 2012 and its results should be used to establish targets for less performing hospitals. [Q4-2012]
Continue work to ensure full interoperability of IT systems in hospitals, in
order for the ACSS to gather real time
information on hospital accounting and activities and to produce monthly reports to the Ministry of Health and
the Ministry of Finance. [Ongoing]
Continue with the reorganisation and rationalisation of the hospital network
through specialisation, concentration
and downsizing of hospital services, joint management (building on the Decree-Law 30/2011) and joint
operation of hospitals. The aim is to adjust hospital provision within the same health region,
notably in the presence of newly established PPP hospitals, adjust the activity of some
hospitals from curative care towards areas such as rehabilitation, long-term and palliative care
and revise emergency and transplantation
structures. These improvements aim at eliminating unnecessary
duplication, achieving economies of
scale and deliver additional cuts in operating costs by at least 5 percent in
2013 while improving the quality of care
provided. A detailed action plan is published
by 30 November 2012 and its
implementation is finalised by end-2013.
Overall, from 2011 to 2013, hospital
operational costs must be reduced by at least 15 per cent compared to 2010 level. [Q4-2012]
Annually update the inventory of all health staff and prepare regular annual
reports presenting plans for the
allocation of human resources in the period up to 2014. The report specifies plans to reallocate qualified and
support staff within the NHS. [Q2-2013]
Update the current legal framework applying to the organisation of working time
of healthcare staff, including introduction of rules to increase mobility
within and across Health Regions,
adoption of flexible time arrangements
and review of payment mechanisms for emergency
work, the prevention regime and per call payments, notably by aligning overtime
remuneration in the health care sector with the general legal framework
recently adopted. In this context,
overtime compensation should be reduced by 20% in 2012 and another 20% in 2013.[Q4-2012]
Regional health authorities
Improve monitoring, internal control and
fiscal risks management systems of the
Administrações Regionais de Saúde. [Q4-2012]
Roll-out the system of patient electronic medical records and ensure access to
all relevant health care facilities.
Reduce costs for patient transportation by one third compared to 2010. [Q4-2012]
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